​vital-it ​ch/​raxml-bb/​index ​php[26] The bacterial phylogenet

​vital-it.​ch/​raxml-bb/​index.​php[26]. The bacterial phylogenetic tree has been constructed using the online maximum likelihood tool at http://​www.​atgc-montpellier.​fr/​phyml/​[27]. Acknowledgements This work was supported by a PhD grant from the Bijzonder Onderzoeks Fonds of Ghent University (BOF08/DOC/016, BOF09/GOA/005), a research fund from the National High-Tech Program Fosbretabulin in vitro of China (2007AA091904), a research fund from the China State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering (AE010802) and a research

fund from the European Science Foundation MicroSYSTEMS supported by Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (506G.0656.05). We thank Siegfried E. Vlaeminck and Beatriz Guimarães for their critical review on this manuscript. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Table S1. Clones obtained from archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA libraries. Indicating the clones name, best match, similarity and the groups they belong to. (DOC 116 KB) References 1. Reeburgh WS: Oceanic methane biogeochemistry. Chem Rev 2007,107(2):486–513.PubMedCrossRef 2. Stadnitskaia A, Muyzer G, Abbas B, Coolen MJL, Hopmans EC, Baas M, van Weering TCE, Ivanov MK, Poludetkina E, Damste JSS: Biomarker Salubrinal and 16S rDNA evidence for anaerobic oxidation of methane and related carbonate precipitation in deep-sea mud volcanoes of the Sorokin Trough, Black Sea. Marine Geology 2005,217(1–2):67–96.CrossRef 3. 5-Fluoracil clinical trial Knittel K, Losekann T, Boetius A,

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